On Integration of Manufacturing Quality Control and Quality Function Deployment 制造质量控制与质量功能展开的集成模型
Research on the architecture of manufacturing grid with function encapsulation 面向功能封装的制造网格体系结构研究
The quantity of the manufacturing instructions produced by postposition function is usually large. 但经过后置处理后,生成的加工程序往往很大。
Control System for Manufacturing Cells Based on Composite Function Blocks 基于复合功能块的制造单元控制系统
The molding tool is a kind of basic craft material of manufacturing industry, its function is the fluxion of control and restriction material ( solid or liquid) and make of the body needed by formation. 模具是制造业的一种基本工艺装备,它的作用是控制和限制材料(固态或液态)的流动,使之形成所需要的形体。
Model is unique, taste is elegant, quality draws with outstanding acoustics in in the homeland piano manufacturing industry to perform a function, to outshine others. 造型独特,品味高雅,以优异的声学品质和演奏性能,在国内钢琴制造业中一枝独秀。
As the basic manufacturing unit, the DVMC is regarded as the execution layer of the enterprise, as well as the key point of the daily manufacturing function of the enterprise. 作为基本制造单位,制造单元属企业具体制造任务的执行层,也是企业日常生产活动的重要依据。
Fifthly, the paper discusses how to obtain common platform by the similar coefficients of geometry shape, materials, manufacturing process and function on the basis of explaining information between product structure and module. 第五,在论述产品结构与模块间信息关系的基础上探讨基于几何形状、原材料、加工过程及功能相似性系数获取通用平台。
According to the current information reconstruction of the manufacturing, the definition and function of the distributed numerical control system were introduced, and the different network frames of the DNC system based on Ethernet were presented. 针对当前制造企业信息化改造,介绍了分布式数控(DNC)系统的定义和功能,提出了基于以太网DNC系统的不同网络构架。
Experiment Study on the Rapid Manufacturing of Metal Function Part 金属功能零件分层快速制造实验研究
To study this subject can provide reliable theoretical basis and new experimental method for manufacturing function powder. 研究这一学科可以为研制功能粉体提供可靠的理论基础和全新的实验方法。
Through elaborated the mold draws out the advanced mold processing method-high speed processing in modern manufacturing industry function, the computer assistance makes ( CAM) in the high speed milling function and the merit. 通过阐述模具在现代制造业中的作用,引出先进的模具加工方法&高速加工、计算机辅助制造(CAM)在高速铣削中的作用和优点。
Based on the characteristics of a rapidly reconfigurable ( RR) manufacturing system and corresponding function requirements of a computer aided process planning in networked manufacturing environment, RR-CAPP system structure is established. 在研究网络环境下快速重组制造系统特点和对CAPP系统功能需求的基础上,对实现基于网络面向快速重组制造系统的CAPP体系结构进行了研究。
Virtual Manufacturing ( VM) can be defined as abstraction of logical operation on the real manufacturing function processing product and process information. It is an effective way to realize agility. 虚拟制造是对真实的制造系统的产品及过程的信息提取加工和逻辑功能抽象,是实现敏捷性的一种有效的手段。
A New Technology for Laminated Manufacturing of Metal Function Parts 一种新的金属功能零件分层快速制造技术研究
The relationship among the manufacturing strategy and other function strategies and corporation strategy is analyzed. 最后分析了生产战略与其他职能战略和企业总战略间的关系。
The author makes a complete introduction of hot glue manufacturing art, function requirement, test method and utilization of adhesive binding. 本文对无线胶订的热熔胶制造工艺、性能要求、测试方法、使用方法及对策四个方面进行了介绍。
In this paper, the method of using the manufacturing function of I-DEAS software in machining the complex curve surface of irregular parts in tobacco machinery is described. 介绍如何应用I-DEAS软件的Manufacturing功能,进行烟草机械中异型零件的复杂曲面的加工。
Focusing on this problem, this article builds the manufacturing function model after analyzing the information requirement of resources integrating and deploying. 针对此关键问题,在OWL建模语言的基础上,构建了面向制造功能描述的资源信息模型。
Virtual flexible machining cell is the kernel of virtual manufacturing system. The function of controlling and cooperating the material handling of virtual manufacturing cell is implemented in database management system. 分析了虚拟柔性加工单元信息管理系统的需求,设计了虚拟单元信息管理系统的功能结构。
Copying Machine system can pick up the contour figure data of the shaped products. CAM system has a perfect manufacturing plan and aftertreatment function, it also has a powerful drawing design function. 仿形系统可提取已成型产品的外形轮廓数据,CAM系统除具有完善的加工规划和后处理功能外,一般还有较强的图形设计功能。
Making use of the manufacturing emulate function of PRO/ ENGINEER, user can watch the process and adjust intime. 通过PRO/ENGINEER的加工仿真功能,使用户能够观察到加工的过程,并做出及时调整。
Taking optimized configuration of manufacturing resources under net-worked manufacturing environment as research objective, manufacturing resources information model of function definition oriented to manufacturing resources and relationship definition was constructed. Task definition model oriented to manufacturing characteristics was also established. 以网络化制造环境下制造资源的优化配置为研究目标,构建了面向制造资源功能定义、关联关系定义的制造资源信息模型,并建立了面向制造特征的任务定义模型。
To realize the goal of wheel manufacturing information, the system function structure basing on the B/ S module is presented, and the model of information relation is put forward, which are based on the technological process of wheel. 以实现轮毂制造信息集成为目的,在分析轮毂生产工艺流程的基础上,设计了轮毂制造信息集成的信息关联模型,并给出了基于B/S开发模式的制造信息集成系统的功能结构。
The system of cooperative product development for networked manufacturing not only has the function of information integration among different systems, but also supports the function of effective process management. 面向网络化制造的产品协同开发系统不仅应具有跨平台的信息集成功能,而且还应该支持产品开发过程的有效管理。
Manufacturing function is a fundamentally key part in a manufacturing firms. It can be a powerful weapon for corporate competition and gain competitive advantage to deploy manufacturing systems effectively. 制造部门对制造企业来说具有基础性的重要作用,对制造系统的有效配置可以使之成为企业竞争的有力武器,获得企业的竞争优势。
More and more manufacturers increase the value of core products through providing services, and some manufacturing enterprises even sell product function or service instead of products. 越来越多的制造业企业通过提供服务来增加其核心产品的价值,有些制造业企业甚至不再卖物品而是卖物品的功能或服务。
This paper makes a detailed study about the manufacturing execution system on the function of the ship systems, production management module and the information integration techniques. 据此,本文对船舶制造执行系统的功能体系、生产管理模块以及其信息集成技术进行了详细的研究。
Manufacturing equipment is the key basic element of a modern manufacturing system. Its function strength and performance quality determines the success or failure of advanced manufacturing modes. 制造装备作为现代制造系统的关键基础单元,其性能的好坏决定着先进制造模式的成败。
Design, manufacture and calibration of demo automatic commemorative coin vending machine mainly involves designing the external appearance and spatial position, processing and manufacturing components and parts by function, assembling and debugging, designing program debugging program and commissioning based on actual needs. 展示型自动纪念币售货机设计与制调主要是根据实际需要设计外形和空间位置针对功能加工制造零部件装配调试设计程序调试程序试机。